Cancellation Policy
Cancellations or course date transfers are not permitted. If you are unable to attend the course yourself you may change the name of the delegate attending the course free of charge. You must inform the office to any change of delegates prior to the start of the course.
If you are ill on the day of the course you must notify us in writing as soon as possible via email addressed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. A transfer will only be offered if a valid doctor’s note is produced.
Late arrival or missed sessions
If you arrive late for a course, or are absent from any session, we reserve the right to refuse to accept you for training if we feel you will gain insufficient knowledge or skill in the time remaining. In all such cases, the full course fee remains payable. To conform with Health & Safety Executive requirements for Statutory Certificates, attendance at all sessions is mandatory. In the event of non-attendance full fee is still due and is non refundable.
Cancellation by Surrey First Aid Training
Surrey First Aid Training reserves the right to cancel any course if there are insufficient numbers to run a viable course. In such circumstances, you will be given as much notice as possible and the offer of a free transfer to another course date, or a full refund of fees paid.
Guidelines for candidates and employers
The duties of a First Aider can be physically demanding. It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure that candidates are free from any condition which would affect their capability, and that they have the aptitude to cope with an intensive course of study. We welcome candidates with disabilities for training, but it remains their employer’s responsibility to ensure that they are appropriately supported in their workplace.
For full terms and conditions please see here
Please note office hours are Monday-Friday 9am-5pm. Please call 01483 238268 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We look forward to seeing you on your course.
Surrey First Aid Training.